Hi, everybody! Even though things here have been rather hectic lately, I didn't want to miss my Christmas Eve tradition of doing some kind of special Tranquility Bay blog post. For the past two years, I compiled all of the families together onto one giant photo; an undertaking that literally took all day. This year I didn't have the time to do that. But instead, I have another quick little treat for you...
And now, the students of Tranquility Bay Elementary School present a holiday play...
Willow: This is the story of a magical snowman who came to life...
Rosemary: No it's not! It's the story of the very first...
Orange: Kwanzaa! Kwanzaa started a long time ago in the far-away land of...
Verdana: ...Isreal the menorah in the temple burned for eight whole days, even though there was only enough oil to light...
Kate: ...the way for Santa. And from then on, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer helped Santa every Christmas Eve. The End!
Um, guys?
Everyone: Yes?
That was...great, but....did you rehearse this at all?
Peru: All you said to do was to come up with a holiday play. You didn't say we all had to come up with the same holiday play.
Lime: Besides, how could we rehearse? We've never been in the same place at the same time.
That is very true.
From everybody in Tranquility Bay, have a great holiday and we'll see you in 2012!