Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Beesly 7: Round 7

Last round, Rachel and Gaston Beesly were expecting their second child. However, they got their second and third when Rachel gave birth to natural twin boys, Taurus and Capricorn. Meanwhile their older son, Orion, grew to a child and started school. Rachel also achieved her lifetime want of reaching the top of the journalism career.

Hi, guys...

Gaston: Shh,'s ok...oh, hi mysterious voice.

What's wrong with Capricorn?

Gaston: They boys both took their grandmother's death really hard. I don't know why-the last time she came by was before they were born.

They're perceptive little things, aren't they?

Please tell me you haven't been outside on a telescope.

Gaston: Nope, just food poisoning.


Capricorn, stop splashing in the puddles. You'll only make it worse.

Happy birthday, dear Capricorn...

and Taurus...

Well, he's a very handsome young man.

Capricorn: Thanks!

And Taurus is as well.

Taurus: Thanks!

And right on cue...

Oh, come on! She can't be that lucky...or not lucky...

Rachel: It's a girl! We're done!

Great! What's her name?

Rachel: We're going to call her Gemini.

Rachel: Well, maybe we're not done yet...

Rachel: We've got another boy, too. Meet Virgo.

Wow, 4 boys to one girl. Good luck to you with that one.

Glad to see you two get along.

Capricorn: Well, we have to. We're crammed into this room together, and Orion is in here too.

Well you don't want to have to sleep with the babies-they'll wake you up.

Looks like Gaston won the genetic war with Gemini...

And Rachel won with Virgo.

Happy birthday, dear Orion...

Those pants sure are popular this round. Not sure why. Anyway, any thoughts on an aspiration?

Orion: I want to know everything!


Capricorn: Mom, what's the capital of Mexico?

Rachel: Um...Mexico City?

Another lucky guess.

Gaston: Why do you need help already? Today was your first day of school.

Taurus: Yeah, but it was really hard.

At least Orion has an easy lifetime want.

Another birthday...Happy Birthday, dear Gemini...

and Virgo...

Well, Virgo's a little cutie...

And Gemini is too despite having an odd hair color...

Gaston: Come on, can do it...

Glad to see her hair has darkened up a bit.

Looks like Virgo got a makeover too.

Capricorn: I got an A+!

(Holds applause for other twin)

Taurus: Me too!

Great job, guys!

Happy birthday dear Virgo...again...

and Gemini...again...

Another handsome young man in the house...

And one lovely young lady.

Gemini: Thanks, mysterious voice.

And that brings us to the end of the week! I'll see Orion at graduation and the rest of you next round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Uneventful, I know. I honestly don't remember if I had Rachel eat cheesecake last round to have Gemini and Virgo-I don't believe I did. Rachel must just be lucky. And I know I forgot to take a shot of Orion's scholarships-he did get some, don't worry.


Ziese52 said...

Yeah "lucky" sure. :)

Anonymous said...

A cute name for a girl would be Cassie, as in Cassieopeia. :]