The Backstory
Long, long ago in a neighborhood far, far away, a disembodied mysterious voice set out to create a truly prosperous town. That town was Tranquility Acres, and the mysterious voice was able to help it grow from six houses to a full fledged suburban paradise. Then, just as the town was reaching its peak, it was attacked in the night by a monster known only as the File Limit. The mysterious voice tried to pick up the pieces, but it was no use. Tranquility Acres was gone.Though greatly saddened by the loss of her town, the mysterious voice decided the best thing to do was to move on. So, she packed up her mysterious voice notebook and left the scene, turning her attention to an empty area just to the east. In honor of the town she lost, she named her new city "Tranquility Bay".
To both preserve the memory of her old town and to make her life easier, the mysterious voice simply picked up the now vacant houses (because all disembodied voices have the ability to do that) and moved them to the new town. She gutted the houses to make them affordable to a new group of six families, who moved in and started to populate the new town.
If you need some help keeping track of the family ties in Tranquility Bay, or if you want to see the family lines before you start reading, check out the Tranquility Bay Family Tree
Want to know where I got a hairstyle or outfit? Check out the Custom Content Link Page!
Round One:
Scott 1: Townies Are People Too
Beesly 1: Little Girls
Halpert 1: Independent Women
Schrute 1: You're Never Too Old...
Levinson 1: You Just Remind Me Of Someone...
Martin 1: Following in Whose Footsteps?
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 1
Beesly 2: Generation 2 Arrives
Caligula 1: Have A Holly-Jolly Wedding
Round 1 Scorecard
Round Two
Scott 1: Unexpected Twists
Beesly 1: I Hate This Week!
Halpert 1: Fruity
Schrute 1: A Wild Ride
Levinson 1: That's It?
Martin 1: Never Thought That Would Happen
Beesly 2: Calender Girls
Caligula 1: Feeling Strange
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 2
Beesly 3: Excuses
Round 2 Scorecard
Round 3
Scott 1: Boy, What a Week
Beesly 1: It's About Time
Halpert 1: Just One More
Schrute 1: James Buys the Farm
Levinson 1: Something Special
Martin 1: Didn't This Happen Already?
Beesly 2: Is Three Enough?
Caligula 1: I Can Date A Rainbow...
Beesly 3: Who Are These People?
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 3
Beesly 4: Money Troubles
Vega 1: Train Wreck?
Round 3 Scorecard + Naming Themes
Round 4
Scott 1: Cutting Our Losses
Beesly 1: Chaos With a Capital "C"
Halpert 1: Don't Push Your Luck
Schrute 1: Finally!
Levinson 1: Little Manhattan
Martin 1: The Elder Years Are Getting To You...
Beesly 2: Hi, Kitty...
Caligula 1: They're Growing Up So Fast
Beesly 3: One of These Names is Not Like The Others
Beesly 4: Things Are Looking Up
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 4
Vega 1: Maybe This Can Work
Halpert 2: I Like the Way You Think
Halpert 3: That Makes Sense
Warner 1: How Can You Not Remember?
Beesly 5: You Clean Up Nice
Beesly 6: Little Birdies
Warner 2: Bad Fashion Runs in the Family
Round 4 Scorecard
Round 5
Scott 1: Smokey's Strange Habits
Beesly 1: Micheal And Madison + 5
Halpert 1: Sibling Rivelry
Schrute 1: Little Princess
Levinson 1: How Did You Get Here
Martin 1: A-Camping We Will Go
Beesly 2: Happy Anniversary
Caligula 1: I'm Batting 1,000 This Week
Beesly 3: The Universal Answer
Beesly 4: Just Can't Catch A Break
Vega 1: Round 5
Halpert 2: Round 5
Halpert 3: Round 5
Warner 1: Round 5
Beesly 5: Round 5
Beesly 6: Round 5
Warner 2: Round 5
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 5
Mendoza 1: Round 5
Beesly 7: Round 5
Beesly 8: Round 5
Levinson 2: Round 5
Vega 2: Round 5
Round 5 Scorecard
Round 6
Scott 1: Round 6
Beesly 1: Round 6
Halpert 1: Round 6
Schrute 1: Round 6
Levinson 1: Round 6
Martin 1: Round 6
Beesly 2: Round 6
Caligula 1: Round 6
Beesly 3: Round 6
Beesly 4: Round 6
Vega 1: Round 6
Halpert 2: Round 6
Halpert 3: Round 6
Warner 1: Round 6
Beesly 5: Round 6
Beesly 6: Round 6
Warner 2: Round 6
Mendoza 1: Round 6
Beesly 7: Round 6
Beesly 8: Round 6
Levinson 2: Round 6
Vega 2: Round 6
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 6
Martin 2: Round 6
Levinson 3: Round 6
Halpert 4: Round 6
Halpert 5: Round 6
Beesly 9: Round 6
Warner 3: Round 6
Warner 4: Round 6
Round 6 Scorecard
Round 7
Scott 1: Round 7
Beesly 1: Round 7
Halpert 1: Round 7
Schrute 1: Round 7
Levinson 1: Round 7
Martin 1: Round 7
Beesly 2: Round 7
Caligula 1: Round 7
Beesly 3: Round 7
Beesly 4: Round 7
Vega 1: Round 7
Halpert 2: Round 7
Halpert 3: Round 7
Warner 1: Round 7
Beesly 5: Round 7
Tranquility Bay Holiday Special
Beesly 6: Round 7
Warner 2: Round 7
Mendoza 1: Round 7
Beesly 7: Round 7
Beesly 8: Round 7
Levinson 2: Round 7
Halpert 4: Round 7
Halpert 5: Round 7
Beesly 9: Round 7
Warner 3: Round 7
Warner 4: Round 7
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 7
Vega 3: Round 7
Beesly 10: Round 7
Beesly 11: Round 7
Vega 4: Round 7
Mendoza 2: Round 7
Round 7 Scorecard
Round 8
Scott 1: Round 8
Beesly 1: Round 8
Halpert 1: Round 8
Schrute 1: Round 8
Levinson 1: Round 8
Martin 1: Round 8
Beesly 2: Round 8
Caligula 1: Round 8
Beesly 3: Round 8
Beesly 4: Round 8
Halpert 2: Round 8
Halpert 3: Round 8
Warner 1: Round 8
Beesly 5: Round 8
Beesly 6: Round 8
Warner 2: Round 8
Mendoza 1: Round 8
Beesly 7: Round 8
Beesly 8: Round 8
Holiday Special 2009
Levinson 2: Round 8
Vega 2: Round 8
Martin 2: Round 8
Levinson 3: Round 8
Halpert 4: Round 8
Halpert 5: Round 8
Beesly 9: Round 8
Warner 3: Round 8
Warner 4: Round 8
Vega 3: Round 8
Beesly 10: Round 8
Vega 4: Round 8
Beesly 11: Round 8
Mendoza 2: Round 8
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 8
Scott 2: Round 8
Warner 5: Round 8
Mendoza 3: Round 8
Rosada 1: Round 8
Rosada 2: Round 8
Round 8 Scorecard
Round 9
Scott 1: Round 9
Beesly 1: Round 9
Halpert 1: Round 9
Schrute 1: Round 9
Levinson 1: Round 9
Martin 1: Round 9
Beesly 2: Round 9
Caligula 1: Round 9
Beesly 3: Round 9
Beesly 4: Round 9
Vega 1: Round 9
Halpert 2: Round 9
Halpert 3: Round 9
Warner 1: Round 9
Beesly 5: Round 9
Beesly 6: Round 9
Warner 2: Round 9
Mendoza 1: Round 9
Beesly 7: Round 9
Beesly 8: Round 9
Levinson 2: Round 9
Vega 2: Round 9
Martin 2: Round 9
Levinson 3: Round 9
Halpert 4: Round 9
Halpert 5: Round 9
Holiday Special 2010
Beesly 9: Round 9
Warner 3: Round 9
Warner 4: Round 9
Vega 3: Round 9
Beesly 10: Round 9
Vega 4: Round 9
Beesly 11: Round 9
Mendoza 2: Round 9
Scott 2: Round 9
Warner 5: Round 9
Mendoza 3: Round 9
Halpert 6: Round 9
Tranquility Bay FAQ's
Rosada 1: Round 9
Rosada 2: Why Is She Glowing?
Graduation Ceremony: Class of Round 9
Levinson 4: It Costs How Much?
Schrute 2: Don't Bother the Elderly
Halpert 7: Enough With the Job Hopping!
Tranquility Bay Holiday Greeting 2011
Beesly 12: That Theory's Not Panning Out
Martin 3: What Did I Tell You?
Martin 4: Stop Attacking the Precipitation
Beesly 13: Stealing is Never the Right Answer
Vega 5: Agua-Something?
Warner 6: What's the Rush?
Beesly 14: What's More Stable than Show Business?
Warner 7: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!
Beesly 15: Finally!
Mendoza 4: Multi-Tasking?
Mendoza 5: One Big Promotion Fest
Round 9 Scorecard
Round 10
Scott 1: The Toddler Ate My Homework
Beesly 1: Who Invited You?
Halpert 1: The Feline Soap Opera Continues...
Schrute 1: Your Insurance Covered That?
Levinson 1: Stupid Robot...
Martin 1: A Bit Confused
Beesly 2: I'm Mislabeling Everybody This Week
Caligula 1: I'm Not That Old!
Beesly 3: Ghosts in the Daytime?
Beesly 4: Aren't You Psychic?
Vega 1: Unpredictable Animals
Tranquility Bay Holiday Special 2012
Halpert 2: Who Better Than Captain Hero?
Halpert 3: Flu Season
Warner 1: Denial Much?
Beesly 5: Will Someone Please Wash the Dog?
Beesly 6: Criminals on the Nice List?
Warner 2: Lay Off The Bubble Blower!
Mendoza 1: The Twin Tradition Continues
Beesly 7: Missing the Mountains
Beesly 8: Who Planned This, Anyway?
Levinson 2: I Think You're Missing the Point
Vega 2: An Overreaction?
Martin 2: Odd One Out
Levinson 3: Stupid Chance Card
Halpert 4: I Was Talking to the Dog
Halpert 5: Welcome to the Child Farm
Beesly 9: Weird, But Good Weird
Warner 3: Birthdays All Around
Warner 4: When Is That Not Right?
Vega 3: Emergency Intervention
Beesly 10: I Vote for the Womrat
Vega 4: Isn't That the Gypsy's Job?
Beesly 11: Glad that You Approve
Mendoza 2: Let the Babies Sleep!
Scott 2: Please No Singing!
Holiday Special 2014
Warner 5: Surprise!
Mendoza 3: One Big Family
Rosada 1: Can't Win Them All
Halpert 6: Risky WooHoo Strikes Again...
Rosada 2: How Smart is Too Smart?
Levinson 4: Let's Get You An Easel...
Schrute 2: Shouldn't You Go Inside for That?
Halpert 7: Are You Sure You Should Be a Chef?
Beesly 12: Isn't It a Bit Early For That?
Martin 3: It's Not Like That!
Hey, Mysterious Voice! I just wanted to drop in and say Hey, great blog! I love it! In fact, your blog was what originally got me interested in sims and now I'm a full blown addict (with my own blog haha). I saw a cute baby sim picture while I was browsing the web and started reading all of your stories. A day or two later, I started playing. Keep updating! Oh and I have a question to ask you as well. I have the expansions Nightlife and Pets. I was wondering, which would you suggest getting next? I can't decide..University, Seasons, Open for Business, or Bon Voyage?
Love this site, I added your link to my site,
Hey, what Sims game do you use? I have The Sims Life Stories, and I like playing it, but it doesn't have the hair you use here, and you can only have four people in a family.
Oh, I LOVE THE SIMS 2! You had a very big neighborhood!
Love your blog! I just started making my own prosperity for my Sims 2 Game!
Really really amazing blog and great articles. Thank you very much for sharing all this. Nice Design!
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Really a nice blogging idea.Time will pay its reward.
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so nice blogger
So nice blogger
Verry Good...thanks..
so nice blogger
I am just catching up! I discovered your blog earlier this week and have been reading it the entire week too! XD It helps me survive until my Sims 2 Double Deluxe comes in the mail (I already own the game but I lost the disc and had to order a new one :p), but it's also interesting! Please keep doing this and don't stop, please! Also, I was wondering, um, *shyly looks away* I've read your and Rachel's blogs and you guys tell good stories. I was inspired to maybe do a blog myself for Sims 2 and was wondering if MAYBE I could be part of your group, too? You can wait till i actually get stuff posted to decide if you would let me in or not, but, yeah, just a thought! You two are good storytellers as far as I can tell.I won't be a burden either, I can write! I actually used to want to be writer but somewhere along the line the passion has gone. I've participated in Nanowrimo (though never won) and technically, I did ONCE (I'll never figure out how I did it) write a "novel" a piece more than 50 K words. So yeah, I hope this isn't an inappropiate place to ask this. Is there any way I can contact you privately? Until you answer me and I hope you will, I'll just be here reading your stories! Thanks much for taking the time to read this.
Nice blog, keep it up
Hey, I just wanted to drop by and let you know that something is off with you link to your Simboree site! Hopefully it's just a glitch in my computer and isn't a big thing for you :)
Hi, Mysterious Voice! I just wanted to let you know that your simboree link seems to be broken :)
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